Friday, May 2, 2014

Jailhouse Rock Cupcakes

I am in fact a huge Elvis fan. For those of you that dont know Elvis' favorite food was Peanut Butter and Banana sandwiches. Since yesterday would've been his and Priscilla's anniversary I decided to whip up these bad boys. This is NOT your traditional Elvis style cupcake, this is an Elvis cupcake with a rockin' twist.  If you follow my work, you already know that I am working on a cookbook so I dont have my recipes listed, however you can easily make these using your own banana cake recipe or a boxed banana cake mix.


Start by making banana cupcakes, as directed on recipe. I made a half dozen cupcakes. When cupcakes are done baking let them cool entirely. Once cupcakes are cooled, unwrap them from paper and place in the freezer for a 1/2 hour. 

While the cupcakes are freezing you can start caramelizing the bacon. 

Caramelized Bacon:

  • 1lb Bacon
  • 1/2 C Brown sugar
Oven should be set to 350˚. Lay bacon strips onto a sheet pan and rub brown sugar on top. Bake for 20 minutes. If you want them to be crispier you can leave them in longer. Feel free to use more or less bacon and brown sugar. I only wanted a few bacon bits on top of each cupcake. Set aside, let bacon cool.

Next you can start heating up your oil and preparing your funnel cake mix. Follow directions on box. You will then dip and coat each cupcake one at a time into the funnel cake mix then into the hot oil. There should be enough funnel cake mix, if not more to cover 12 cupcakes. Once cupcakes are fried set them aside and let me cool completely. While they are cooling you can begin to make you peanut butter buttercream.

Peanut Butter Buttercream:

  • 1 C Creamy Peanut Butter
  • 1/2 C Unsalted Butter (Softened)
  • 2 C Powdered Sugar
  • 1-2 TBSP or as needed Milk
In bowl of standing mixer cream together the peanut butter and unsalted butter; scraping down sides of bowl with a spatchula until butters are combined. Add 1 cup of powdered sugar at a time. Add milk as needed. 

To assemble these cupcakes you will need to pipe buttercream on top of the fried cupcakes, I used a Wilton Brand 2D tip. Finely chop bacon into small bits and place them on top of buttercream. Dust with powdered sugar if desired. 

Nutritional Facts: (Roughly 457 Calories) Yeah, you'll need to go to the gym. BUT IT IS WORTH IT! 

Fats: 19g
Carbs: 63g
Protein: 6g

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Finding Nemo Cake Pops

I can remember the first time I saw this movie, I watched 5 minutes of it and already I was drowning in tears. I should have known by the title of the movie that I would be an emotional wreck. I turned to my boyfriend and said "WHY DID YOU HAVE ME WATCH THIS!?" It ended up being a great movie but the first 5 minutes of Pixar movies always get me chocked up.

Lets start by fishing out the supplies you'll need to make your Nemo's!
  • 1 Box Cake/1 cake recipe (This will make roughly 24 Nemo's)
  • 1 Ready-made icing/1 icing recipe
  • Orange candy melts
  • White sixlets 
  • Black, white & red cocoa butter (or edible markers)
  • Black edible luster dust
  • Lolly pop sticks 
  • Parchment paper
Start by baking your cake as directed in recipe, be sure to line your pan with parchment paper so you can get out every last crumb of cake. Once cake is made let it cool completely by pulling the cake from the pan and resting it on wire racks. Crumble cake into a large bowl and add icing in small increments. You want the consistency to be easy enough to mold, but not sticky to the touch. If the cake starts to crumble as you are trying to mold it, add a little icing at a time. 

Once you have the right consistency of cake begin molding cake into an egg shape (as shown above). Press into the center of the face two white sixlets. Then remove the eyes, so you are left with a hollow circle where the eyes are going to rest when he dip the cake into the candy melts. 

Place Nemo heads onto a baking sheet and put them into the freezer for AT LEAST 1 hour! Once you have done that you can start by melting the orange candy melts into a heat safe bowl. Dip one end of the lolly pop stick into the candy melt and press into the bottom of Nemo's head. Set aside and repeat this step until all your Nemos are well supported before submerging them into the orange candy melt.

Step 1: Start by dipping your Nemo head into the Orange candy melt. Before the candy hardens press white sixlets into the hollow circles. 

Step 2: Take your Red cocoa butter/red edible marker and draw small circles in the center of the white sixlets. 

Step 3: Paint/draw a thin black line around Nemo's face. As shown below
Step 4: Use a paint brush to add shadows around Nemo's face with the black luster powder. This is where what seemed to be an easy cake pop gets complicated. I've been doing this for years, so what seems easy to me may not be easy to level 1 cake pop makers, and for that I'm sorry! You could probably even skip the shadowing step if you wanted to, it will still look like Nemo in the end! Hopefully this next picture with the shadows around Nemo's face will do some justice! 

As you can see with the shadowing, I went a little heavier on the black luster powder around the eyes.  The luster powder goes a long way, so go easy on it. If you don't you'll just end up with lines instead of shadows. 

Step 5 & 6- These next few steps are just adding a few little details to the face to make it pop! Step 5, add one small black dot to center red dot of each eye. Then give Nemo a big ol' smile! Step 6, add another black ring around Nemo's body. Let dry.

Step 7 & 8- Same idea, we're just going to add a few little details. Step 7, using white cocoa butter (I don't know if they have white edible markers) paint in between the two black lines. Step 8, add one tiny white dot inside each black dot of the eye. And add a small white line inside his adorable black smile, he needs teeth!

Step 9- You can do this next step 1 of 2 ways. We need to make Nemo's fins. Some people may find it easier to just use orange fondant and form a few that way, however if I can find a way to not use fondant I will. But that's only because I don't particularly like the taste of it. So what did in this step was melt down some of the orange candy. I filled a pastry bag with the candy and piped a few fins out onto some parchment paper. You can also use a toothpick and dab it out that way. These fins don't need to be identical. Mine don't resemble Nemo's in the movie by any means. Once the fins have dried onto the parchment paper, carefully peel them off. Use the melted candy melt to "glue" them into place. 

Step 10- Now if you remember in the movie Nemo had one little fin and one over-sized fin. Use some of the melted orange candy melt to again "glue" the fins onto the side of Nemo's body. 

Step 11- You can really end at 10 if you want to, but I went paint crazy. I added another black and white stripe, and a little more black and white detail around the body. 

Looks like Nemo was lost and found, but in your kitchen! Please be sure to follow me on Instagram (batterup_cupcake) and Twitter (@CupcakeBatterup) to see what I have going on. Much love xo

Sunday, January 26, 2014

The NERD in me loves cake pops!

I thought since Valentine's day is coming up that these could be a nice treat for people to make for their kids. However, I'm not to blame when your child is bouncing off the walls due to a sugar overload. These were kid tested, and approved!

Materials Needed:

  • 1 White Cake Recipe (or 1 box white cake mix)
  • 1 Large box of NERDS
  • 1 Lemon
  • White fondant
  • Candy Melts (Whichever colors you want; I used Orange, Lime Green, Pink & Yellow)
  • White Sixlets
  • Black Cocoa Butter (or Black edible marker)
  • Parchment Paper
  • Lolly Pop Sticks

Friday, January 10, 2014

Phantastic Cake Pops

These Award -Winning Cakepops are bound to be a swing and a hit for your next baseball party! As you can probably already tell I'm a fan of baseball, but even more of a "Phan" of the Philly Phanatic. GO PHILS!

Materials Needed:
  •  1 Box Cake mix (or any cake recipe)
  •  1 tub premade icing (or any icing recipe) 
  •  Parchment paper
  •  Lollie pop sticks
  •  2 bags (to be on the safe side) light green candy melts
  •  White sixlets
  •  White fondant
  •  Red fondant
  •  Purple fondant
  •  Blue fondant
  •  Cocoa butter in white, black, red, dark green, light green and yellow (or edible markers in those colors)